
My neighbor cut my bush in half, right down the property line. Is this salvageable?

My neighbor cut my bush in half, right down the property line. Is this salvageable?

by SecondHairy


  1. 10Core56

    Jerk move, but the bush should come back and fill up. And then he will pull the same move.
    I would try to transplant it a foot or two inside your property.

  2. bubbies1308

    Is that a boxwood?!? Those are expensive and take FOREVER to grow. What a POS.

    I would transplant it so it’s 100% on your yard. It’ll be fine.

  3. twinkle-pumpkin

    I would say yes it’s salvagable, but would move it so it doesn’t happen again

  4. CommonSensei-_

    The relationship / good will between neighbors is not salvageable in my opinion.

    The plant on the other hand looks strong enough to survive.

  5. greenskies80

    Lol WILD. Not like he has anything around there anyways 😂

  6. Lucky_Mom1018

    Build a mini fence right on the line so it looks planned.

  7. Moderatedude9

    Well, we all know he has a right to do it, but he could’ve discussed it first. Maybe give you a chance to move it before butchering it. It will be fine though, it will probably actually grow in thicker. Just move and it clean up where he trimmed. Something tells me they are not clean cuts that will heal easily. He probably hacked it.

  8. TalkRevolutionary330

    I say keep it exactly where it is and continue to trim it such that it looks like half a bush. Eventually it will fill in a be a cool looking half sphere. And everyone who sees it will know who the asshole is.

  9. pccfriedal

    Salvageable. Move it in, as others have said.

    Replace it with a piece of modern art right on the lateral side of the plant but still on your side of the boundary.

    Something like a fist sculpture with the middle finger extended.


  10. Striving_Stoic

    Next time put a metal rod right in the middle of the bush

  11. Foreign-Guidance-292

    The plant is going to live. It looks like they are starting their own hedge in front of their house.

    Your plant looks a little unkempt they probably did that if the other side looked the same. Try shaping it and cleaning up the weeds around the base and they will likely leave it along if it looks nice.

  12. joerover34

    Gosh I’m glad I’m on 6 acres in the forest. Neighbors suck (mostly)

  13. so-very-very-tired

    Spite bush! We call him Spitey. Cute guy.

  14. Forsaken-Cheesecake2

    Neighbor must be a real piece of work. It’s not like the shrub was devaluing his property. Now everyone knows who the AH is.

  15. Patchall22

    Do you think possibly they did it because the electrical utility company made them do it so they could have working clearance on their equipment?

  16. waterhippo

    Great neighbor I guess. Must be getting too much oxygen and didn’t like it.

  17. OptimisticPlatypus

    Sculpt it in the shape of a penis directed towards your neighbor.

  18. Goonplatoon0311

    Jesus that’s petty… I’m so glad I got out of the HOA track home crap and landed a home on 10 acres. My old neighbor who had about 0.1 acre would act like he was John Dutton and fuss about my trash can sitting too far over “on his land” 🤣

    God bless you and hope y’all learn to get along.

  19. markus8585

    I think you need half a flamingo to put next to it down the line.

  20. OneImagination5381

    Shrubs always comes back double. Next year the part he cut will be double in size.

  21. Wild_Arm8832

    Fuck that guy straight line of round up down the front lawn

  22. Moist-You-7511

    What an improvement— at least their scenic electric meter is now more visible

  23. Jsully23

    We had a bunch of shrubs get damaged and I used N-ext Microgreen on them every week and holy cow does that stuff work. You just spray or drench the shrub. Works great when you get too close with a weed torch too! 😜

  24. JustYourAvgHumanoid

    Wow, what an ass. I’m so glad we don’t have neighbors. I truly do not understand why some people find the need to be so petty & mean.

    You’ve gotten some good suggestions here.

    Maybe take them half a cake since they like halves.

  25. Rounders_in_knickers

    Pro tip: he didn’t cut half the roots. That baby will be growing back.

  26. lickmybowls2

    I never understand why some neighbors do this like our eyes don’t stop at the property lines

  27. QuirkySpring5670

    I’d be throwing cactus seeds all over his yard

  28. BidenEmails

    The neighbors are looking at as ***your*** bush is on ***their*** property. Help them embrace it is ***our*** bush.

  29. Any-Walk1691

    That’s actually hilarious. How bizarre. Passive aggressive behavior cracks me up when it’s so blatant.

  30. tweetybird200

    Boxwoods are extremely hardy still come back for sure. I would move it so you don’t have this problem year after year.

  31. 030H_Stiltskin

    I like your neighbors style and initiative.  It’s nice that they let everyone know that they are an asshole without ever having to interface with this asshole directly.  They turned their house into an asshole billboard.

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