
I moved to a new house, and the garden looks like this.

I moved to a new house, and the garden looks like this.

by feistyxdiva


  1. electric-illusion

    Kinda like the vibe of it! Just needs a bit of work.. tidying, cutting and pulling! Clear all those nettles and pull the bindweed and then see what you’re working with.

  2. DotAccomplished5484

    At least you know the backyard is fertile.

  3. CypripediumGuttatum

    Start at one end and work your way around. I used loppers, pruners, two Japanese pruning saws (one for roots and one for branches), pruners, a hori hori knife, buckets and a wheelbarrow to clean out my garden and maintain it. Progress pictures have helped reassure me that things are changing for the better haha.

  4. PansophicNostradamus

    That’s not a garden, that’s a project with the potential to be a garden. Needs a secret ingredient: You!

    Go you! Post updates?

  5. Hanuman_Jr

    Fricking awesome, that’s a lot of containers all set up. That viney stuff won’t be a huge problem to get rid of.

  6. Puzzleheaded-Cry3033

    all of that ivy will look beautiful once you tame it. This could be paradise.

  7. PensiveObservor

    Get rid of that black weed barrier and remove the rocks at the base of the tree and you’ve immediately improved the tree’s health! I’d love to dig in on this yard. If you don’t feel like pulling everything right off the bat, you can use my technique of “if it’s green, just mow and weed-whack it” lol. Once you get rid of the overgrown stuff you can see the bones of the project.

    Have fun!

  8. Secret-Echidna5428

    I confess I look at this and I’d just wallow in the possibilities. What treasures are hiding under there?

  9. Ceepeenc

    I need an ibuprofen just looking at all those weeds lol.

  10. TrueSaltnolies

    and you still bought it. Something magical about it. I want to link you to a Twitter friend who revolutionized a similar garden. When I find it, I’ll add the link.

  11. Quietwolfkingcrow

    That looks cool though! It looks like a million possibilities.

  12. Maritzsa

    This is the garden I want. I love how secluded it feels. Just needs some cleaning up and some more landscaping but the overall perimeter of the garden is so good. You have a potential secret oasis waiting for u

  13. GreenmanDesigns

    Pure potential.

    You’ll have your share of weeds to keep up with but anything you plant back there is going to take off. Super fertile!

  14. It looks like this *now.*

    So much potential. Can’t wait to see what you do with it.

  15. E_Zekiel

    It looks very happy to see you. Like a puppy, eager for attention.

  16. Nakedstar

    The back corner of our yard has English Ivy taking over the fence. It’s lovely, but unfortunately very invasive here in California. I’m a little envious you don‘t have any conflict keeping it.

  17. djbuttonup

    Awesome! We’re in the States with a whole acre of grass, some trees and beds around the house. Honestly, having a tight fertile spot like this would be thrilling.

    Start by identifying all the plants currently growing – then decide what should go away immediately, the noxious weeds, the things that don’t make sense. Get an idea of what is going on and decide where you want it to go. Make a plan for Autumn to move things around or plant new, with an eye on next Spring and Summer. Don’t try to do it all at once, or fast, gardens aren’t for that kind of attitude. Take your time and make it what you want it to be.

  18. bingbong1976

    Hope you have a good pair of garden gloves

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