
Improving my Jarrarium?

Hello everybody! I got this marimo probably around 4-4.5 years ago to go with a couple shrimp I had at the time. The shrimp passed away (old age) a couple years ago, but I never opened the jar. I left the jar at home while I was in uni, and now I’ve come home to this! It lives in a windowsill in this mostly-airtight jar so has some access to sun throughout the day.

My question is does this look healthy? The ball has definitely grown significantly from when I first got it but I’m not sure if I should risk opening the jar for a cleaning and water change or top-up.

Thank you!

by picklesandchocolates

1 Comment

  1. Backslanted

    I think the first question is: which way do you want to improve it in? If it’s about looks, yes I’d open and clean it, eventhough it looks quite fascinating. Since you don’t have an active (visible) clean up crew anymore, I think it will turn murkier with time. If you’re curious about the next things happening in what you have, leave it 🙂 Maybe also play around with the amount of sunlight

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