
Blush / re-bloom on a spent monocarpic mother??

Here's the sitch:
Mother (green) bloomed last August.
Mother spits out pup last Sept.
Pup (red/now mature) starts blushing last wknd.
Pup budded yesterday.
Pup bloomed today buuut…
Spent mother also began blushing yesterday & even more today. (???)

I can't find any info on a monocarpic mother blushing after it bloomed already other than that it does not happen. Blush coincides w/ bloom so vhat's up vith that?? Is it a fakeout blush?

Pics are from today & yesterday…mother's color today on L in 1st pic looks like what the blooming pup looked like a last wknd. Brachycaulos blush comes on over a (relatively quick) period of days.

by CerealUnaliver

1 Comment

  1. CerealUnaliver

    PS- ignore the ionantha on btm R in 2nd pic.

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