
I’m amazed

I am truly amazed. I never owned many plants besides a spider plant that I loved but it ended up getting root rot and it died. Recently obtained a pothos and a rosemary (and another plant that is a succulent. Not sure what it's called) but the pothos, Lil' Suzy is her name, wow.

Lil' Suzy 🥹💕 She is getting so big. Here is an update on how she is! I got her on May 9th so this is her growth in 2 1/2 months.

Lil' Suzy is a really, really special plant to me. My grandmother on my mom's side passed away from cancer at the age of 71 when I was 14 eleven years ago. She passed down a golden pothos plant that was then passed down to my mom. (My mom went to college for plants, she loved plants!) My mom had that plant growing so beautifully. It was wrapped around our entire kitchen! However, my mom got diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma cecum cancer (an aggressive rare form of cancer) later the same year my grandma passed from cancer. I was only 14 and was caring for my mom… as my mom got sicker, the pothos suffered. My mom lost her battle March 17, 2017, at age 57, 3 years after she was diagnosed with a prognosis of 6 months and when I was 17. (I was a miracle baby. I was born when she was 39… my sister is in her 40s and we were never close and she had a rocky relationship with our mom but still loved her) The golden pothos had also suffered a great deal and was gone. However, my sister took the couple green leaves she still had and spent all of these years reviving the plant. Lil' Suzy is the first cutting that survived and my sister gifted her for Mother's Day… and I had no idea she even had this plant still… and I am so amazed by her growth and how beautiful she is getting 🥹 Suzanne was my mom's name, her nickname was Suzy Q. Lil' Suzy brings me some sort of peace. I sing, talk, and cry to her like she is my mom. My mom always taught me talking and playing music around plants are good for them. Oh do I miss her.

Thank you for reading. 🥹❤️

by Apollosyne


  1. CaterpillarExtreme92

    Wow that’s a beautiful story, pothos are one of my favorite. They are so easy to propagate and unkillable.

  2. Canela1998

    They’re our connection to the natural world but I like to think that they’re also a connection to our past. My grandmother passed before I was born but I’ve always felt connected to her and that only deepened when I got into plants as she also loved them. It’s this feeling that even though I’ve only been here a short while compared to others and even less time with this hobby that in connecting with her she passed her knowledge down to me. Every day I strive to do it in her honor and along the way she’s also helped me despite her absence, and despite her absence I still feel her presence because of it.

    Plants are interesting because as we watch them grow in turn they heal us and watch us grow. They’re what ties us to this world and they help connect to our past, like with you. This plant has been through three generations and despite the odds not being in her favor, she keeps going as an extension of both your grandmother and mother. They live on through you but they also live on with your plant and your efforts.

    If you want any advice or tips on how to grow them then please do ask, I’m more than willing to help 🙂

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