
Wierd beans tree in front of our house, we dont know if its edible or what it is

Any ideas?

by gracefulpew


  1. OwenLoveJoy

    Do you live in the upper south/lower Midwest? Looks like a Kentucky coffee tree but hard to say

  2. WickedWitchofTX

    Pretty sure these were what jack was given in compensation for his cow

  3. Proof_Astronaut_9711

    Get iNaturalist on your phone and take a pic to find out, very cool bean tree though

  4. NorEaster_23

    Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus dioicus) the seeds can be roasted and ground to make a coffee like beverage. But are toxic raw

  5. revankillsmalak

    Definitely Kentucky Coffeetree. Leaf structure and seed pods match up. And several online sources mention Ontario being within its normal range.

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