Native Plant Gardening

I feel so dumb. Thought this was Butterfly Milkweed for MONTHS until the buds turned pink!

Guess I should be proud of the fact I made it bud in it’s first year 🙃

by AnX1etyRa1NbOwS


  1. Top-Snow68

    Still quite useful for Monarchs and others. Any Asclepias is good.

  2. Icy-Conclusion-3500

    It’s possibly the preferred host at least!

  3. Don’t feel bad, I think there are some less than legit seed sellers out there getting their species mixed up. My boyfriend bought seed last year, and he got a few to germinate. Having grown natives for years, including tens of thousands of butterfly milkweed, I knew with a few weeks of germinating, it definitely wasn’t butterfly milkweed. Told him it was swamp. We double checked the packet, and it said Asclepias tuberosa. He didn’t believe me, so I made a bet with him and told him to plant it anyways. Fast forward to this year… he now owes me $50 😏

  4. Crazed_rabbiting

    Swamp milkweed! Actually a better host plant for monarchs. Lucky you!

  5. goldey2572

    Maybe even Showy Milkweed! Very pretty and very popular with the Monarchs!

  6. goldey2572

    Maybe even Showy Milkweed! Very pretty and very popular with the Monarchs!

  7. cabeleirae

    I just saw dozens of swamp milkweed plants labeled butterfly weed at home depot yesterday

  8. At least you didn’t see a sign at Home Dept that said “Butterfly weed”, buy it, plant it, see it begin to flower, be confused, go look through nursery pots, and see a label that says, “Butterfly weed Asclepias curassavica.” Doh.

  9. NoMSaboutit

    I have Common, Whorled, Butterfly, Showy, and Swamp. Swamp is by far the busiest with Monarchs, bees, and random bugs! Taller than Butterfly, though, if that’s a concern.

  10. AddictiveArtistry

    Swamp milkweed! I have a ton of it and it’s native here.

  11. I’m growing swamp milkweed and it is covered with pollinators!

  12. I bought a butterfly weed that didn’t bloom for a couple years and then finally bloomed this year. It’s bluestar. 🤦‍♀️ I don’t care since it’s still native at least.

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