Rare Houseplants

Ghost anthurium?

I got this plant as a seedling I think about a year ago? The seller I think if I remember correctly had grown some anthurium from seed and they had turned out looking like they had white/ghost leaves and was offering a load of them for sale to see what they ended up growing like. I bought one and it’s grown very slowly but now looks like this! I cant remember what cross of anthuriums it is sadly. I was wondering if it’s worth anything and how it’s even surviving with its weird white/ghost leaves? And if anyone has a clue what anthurium it is at all? Does anyone have a similar anthurium too? TIA

by StayCee089

1 Comment

  1. Chance-Internal-5450

    I wouldn’t consider these white, there’s still chlorophyll in those babies (which is good imo). I’d liken this color to similar of Philo Warscewiczii Aurea. Gorgeous lime green and because it isn’t actually white means it’s producing chlorophyll which is keeping them alive and well. Beauty whatever it is.

    In terms of value, I guess that comes down to what we figure it out to be the species. 🙂

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