
My eucalyptus is changing color. Is this a good or a bad sign ?

Hi all,
I have gotten myself a beautiful eucalyptus tree, I planted it about 3 months ago. When I bought it it was roughly 14 ft tall and I believe it has grown couple of inches since.
Now I have noticed some change in color from green to brown on the stem and at some places small chips of the bark seem to let go, which happens with all the bigger eucalyptus.
Could this be still from transplantation shock, is the tree just developping in a natural way or is it something else?
Any additional information aboit these trees would also be much appreciated.
I'm in the Netherlands by the way and weve had an unusual rainy spring and start of summer.

by runningidiot

1 Comment

  1. runningidiot

    The exact species is :Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. debeuzevillei

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