Native Plant Gardening

Some plants excluding stiltgrass

Some plants excluding stiltgrass

by altforthissubreddit


  1. altforthissubreddit

    Just planting natives when invasives are already established isn’t likely to work well. But there are some exceptions to that. I do think golden ragwort can gradually reclaim space from stiltgrass. Though I imagine it goes faster if you can eliminate or at least knock back the grass first.

    Stiltgrass is a problem everywhere, but to me it’s worst in part to full shade. Because other plants struggle to establish or spread there. In full sun, I feel I can knock it back and then plant some aggressive forbs and they will soon dominate the space. In shade that just never happens (for me anyway, I’m sure browse pressure plays a part too).

    I don’t actively plant pokeweed, but except in areas by the house or where I’ll have to mow or walk close by, I leave it alone (I don’t like to walk/brush past it because the berries will stain me purple). I am a little concerned my yard will become all ragwort, but man does it do a good job for me. I probably have 20 different patches of ragwort slowly expanding.

  2. UnhelpfulNotBot

    0.5% clethodim should be sufficient to kill stiltgrass while only stunting perennial grasses. In particularly dense stands you can apply a little prodiamine in the spring as a pre-emergent. Mow what you can now religiously.

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