
Viburnum help- should I prune? Bad soil?

Hey There!

Two and a half years ago I purchased these viburnums to create a privacy hedge in my back yard, being told that they “are resilient and grow fast”. I live in Florida btw. For one half of the plants this a sort of true ( the ones on the right side). But the other side is very very stubborn and has not budged the past year and a half, in fact has probably gone backwards.

I have tried everything. Installed an irrigation system- Watered them a little, watered them more and watered them a lot- a generous amount everyday etc! Enough so my water bill was costing me. And little to no difference (maybe a few more leaves sprouted at the bottom.

I also put all sorts of different types fertilizer on them. No difference again. My landscaping guy came out and said “the leaves look healthy” just keep watering….and I did, and I have and there has to be something more.

I am starting to think the soil is no good, and that maybe I need to dig them up and replant them? I am at a loss and it’s very annoying seeing that there are so many other similar plants in the area growing wild and seemly effortlessly. Please, if anyone in the know could shed some light for me, perhaps offer up some thoughts.

Thanks in advance, -Cupa

by Cupajojoe

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