Native Plant Gardening

Here we are at peak flowering (July 28, Ontario)

Here we are at peak flowering (July 28, Ontario)

by JohnStuartMillbrook


  1. JohnStuartMillbrook

    1. Culver’s root, Joe Pye Weed and Ironweed (hard to see) in the foreground, with a wet meadow full of Joe Pye Weed in the background. 2. Two kinds of Lobelia: Great Blue Lobelia and Cardinal Flower. 3. Woodland sunflower, Culver’s Root, Joe Pye Weed, and lots of Canada Goldenrod ready to bloom (early?). 4. Obedient plant, first blooms this year, with Scarlet Beabalm and Purple Coneflower. 5. Dense Blazing-Star with Rough Oxeye, Fleabane Roundhead Bushclover and Butterfly Milkweed in background. 6. Some surprisingly late-blooming Columbine (first blooms were in May). 7. Fireweed is still in flower, will keep at it till September (Wild Bergamot in the background). 8. Showy Tick-Trefoil. 9. Wild Senna. 10. Green-headed Coneflower. 11. Joe Pye Weed. 12. White Meadowsweet, with Swamp Milkweed, Jewelweed, and White Vervain. 13. Majorly under-rated native: Spreading Dogbane (you can really see the relation to milkweeds here). 14. Virginia Mountain-Mint. 15. Jewelweed.

  2. Icy-Comparison-2598

    Amazing! A lot of my favorite natives. How old is your garden?

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