
Anyone else here being harassed by HomegrownPassion?

Anyone else here being harassed by HomegrownPassion?

by RaspberryPicker15


  1. RaspberryPicker15

    I know this doesn’t relate directly to Hydroponics, but it does relate directly to this sub. I am brand new here and just joined to learn more information that I can use on my tiny at home set up. I am far from a professional and just barely a hobbyist (Very new to it as of a few months ago). Apologies if this is out of line in anyway. I was just taken back by this and had to wonder how many others have been attacked by this women? I didn’t even interact with her on a single post to my knowledge, then I check my messages, and noticed that I had this.

    Who is this lady? why is she so angry and defensive on this sub? I can’t imagine I am alone in receiving this type of message from her. I asked her to apologize and she instantly blocked me, which is completely fine, it just seemed unhinged to act this way to a random stranger.

    Anyone else experience this with her?

  2. Sounds like they smoke too much weed and are displaying signs of psychosis.

    Hope they apologize and good for you calling them out, but I wouldn’t worry about them. There’s a bunch of jackasses around Reddit who think they know all.

  3. Few_Cardiologist_965

    Yep, same thing happened to me. Her and her alt account both sent me messages and harassed me for a few days on any comment I made, then they gave up. Sounds like you’re just her newest target. Lol

    I provided genuine criticism when she asked for it, then got chewed out by her continuously over it (even when I I acknowledged that it’s how she would respond considering her comment history.) then she goes and proves me right by doing that while still attacking me and calling me sexist on zero basis. Lol

    She’s just a mean spirited old lady who constantly is hoping to be the victim of any situation and imo is toxic for this sub. It amazes me that the mods haven’t blocked her already when she breaks 2 rules on this sub with basically any post she makes. She shamelessly advertises for her own YouTube channel on every post or comment she makes. And she literally never contributes to the sub other than that.

    Don’t let it get to you, she’s just a bad person, there’s lots of bad people out in the world.

  4. There is some marketing going on from that user. Feels like an intern trying to grow a brand
    Edit. If they were a professional. They could provide genuine advice in the sub to promote education. I’m only a few months into learning and I can see lots of posts for helping people learn from a professional standpoint. Once day I will.be good enough to help others.

  5. teepeeformypeepee

    She sucks, and makes shitty content, wouldn’t get to upset at this lol if she’s so defensive about every criticism

  6. AntivaxxxrFuckFace

    So I actually had nice interactions with her. I don’t really understand why this sub is especially hostile to her. I mean, I see the rudeness in what you posted, but I don’t know that she’s not right. Your account is quite fresh.

  7. JimmyB_Harvests

    Love how she came back 10 hours later 😂

  8. Spend-Weary

    Yep same here.

    Saw someone asking her “what brand” of nutrients she used and she jumped their ass over it after she ignored them 4 times.

    She said “there is no brand” which is literally one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in Reddit, so that says a lot. Then she ended up saying Haifa is the brand and trying to make me the one that sounded bad, then instantly deleted the comment. As if using CalNit is some secret in the industry that only she knows lol.

    She also went on to tell me that all her fertilizer is “mined”. Which is the exact moment I knew she had no fucking idea what she was talking about lol. I’ve been managing massive greenhouse facilities for 10 years and never once have I seen someone dressed like her in a work environment. If someone showed up like that at my job? I’d send them home and tell them to come back in something more appropriate for working a labor job.

    She might own the building, but you can tell she never gardens or works in there by how uninformed she is. I’m sure the manger is the one doing 99% of the decision making and she’s here to be an “internet star”.

  9. Training_Gazelle7238

    I’ll bite.

    # HomegrownPassion has no idea what she is doing, and she is destroying the reputation of her business, her user account, and this sub.

    Know your audience, you elderhag. The majority of people in this sub are growing cannabis. Go to a church sub if you want to talk vegetables, for everyone’s sake.

    P.S. Acting like Vegan Teacher is not a way to go through life. Go ahead and message me. If I don’t respond right away it’s because I’m rubbing it out to your daughters OF videos.

  10. stinkyhooch

    I looked up the account, I blocked her recently because her videos are annoying. No idea she was an asshole too lol

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