Plant Propagation

Any tips on how to propagate mints?

My plant gets roots but it just rots for some reason. The top part dries out. What is wrong T_T.

by kanjifreak420


  1. vintedsnaps

    I also want to know, I have the same issue…

  2. LongjumpingNeat241

    Every mint i planted did darken and go extinct, except for one which was planted in grassy plot.

  3. ImaginaryPackage1554

    Mint is super easy..take a 5″ cutting and drop it in water with a drop of rooting should have roots in a week or out for root rot. If it starts to turn black, throw it away and start over.

  4. Valerie304Sanchez

    I use distilled water since the chemicals in tap have high chlorine and bacteria.
    Then I ph between 5.5-6.5.
    And then cuttings are good to root.
    I change out every 7 days.

  5. DrippinMoth

    I propagated a lot of mint varieties in tap water and it always worked very well, apple mint however almost always failed and rotted for some reason.

    From my experience, propagating cuttings from older growth that’s still greenish had more success rates than new growth, try that and see if it works for you.

    There’s also a soil method my sister discovered via TikTok, she tried it and it worked well, she took a few 15cm ish leafless stem cuttings and buried them horizontally in the soil, after a while new babies came out.

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