
Growing with poor drainage

Hi all,

Ive been trying to grow wild flower and basil seeds in these little glass jars I have (different jars). I definitely overwatered on my first try so I have been very frugal with this set, and they seemed to be growing well for a few weeks! Several healty shoots that could support themselves

But then over the course of 2 nights, they got very droopy and wilted as pictured. I suspect not enough sunlight (indoor by a window) or perhaps overwatering since I left them to a neighbour and she flooded em a bit (2 weeks ago now, but I drained em as best I could).

Any suggestions on what caused this? Or in general, tips for growing in this kind of poor drainage environment?

by Allohn

1 Comment

  1. nigeltuffnell

    Plant pots need drainage, for the vast majority of plants. There isn’t really a way round this.

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