
Why are you doing this?

What would have been a lovely new leaf has chosen violence instead. The stem has cut through its newest leaf and I’m struggling to understand why. Any ideas on what I could do to prevent this happening again? Or does this bjust happen? My Melano is a relatively new plant of mine. Thanks in advance for any tips!

by The_Stig_007


  1. My splendid’s last two new leaves have done that. I had to have a conversation with it about hurting itself and being more careful.

  2. AdOk1965

    Ngl, it’s a redcurrant issue with philo (but not only – looking at you, anthurium è___é)

    They require a hygrometry lvl hard to provide depending on where you live

    Since the air isn’t moist enough, the new leaf struggle to unfurl, but the plant won’t stop its growth and tadaaaa:

    Big mess

    I can hear the rumbling crowd from here, for what I’m about to say, but 7 years in having philo:

    Spray your plant, wet your fingers, and help it unfurl

    Very very carefully and very slowly

    And, beware, the stem would snap in a second if you bent/twist/add pressure to hit

  3. horrorlovinghippie

    My splendid does this. I just use a warm, damp microfiber cloth to help the new leaves unfurl. Keeps them out of the way, mostly.

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