Plant Propagation

Are my blueberry plant cuttings okay?

My blueberry cuttings have turned brown at the bottom. I did take one of them out of the medium and it did not look like there was any rot. Are these okay? Or are they done for and I should try and take new cuttings while I still have new growth on my blueberries?

by Ape_Man25


  1. Muted_Respect3709

    I have no experience but I would say move them to a much smaller pot and give them a chance. It wouldn’t hurt to also start another “worst case” you could just combine them if they both take off. Also maybe better drainage? If the repotting doesn’t work you could try that. Lastly how much sun do they get?

  2. WinBackground1344

    You usually need a leaf or two for this to work. Maybe different with your plant though. I usually leave mine in water till it starts to root. Keep us updated on how this works.

  3. WinBackground1344

    Well cuttings of most plants is done in just water. They can’t take nutrients, and you Cut the leafs so they can’t hold water. You just soak them in water till roots are ready, change the water every few days. Cut the end of the leafs, so the leaf doesn’t store water, but enough leaf to power it. Scrape the bottom of the cutting with scissors to disrupt the skin and start the root growing. I leave mine near a window to get light.

  4. KeezWolfblood

    I recommend this video! This guy does a lot of videos on this kind of propogation. This video is about his first blueberry attempt.

    He also links the study he looks at in his video description. 🙂

    Edit: One thing he mentions is taking the cuttings when they have a little more brown in the stem, and that even professionals get a high failure rate with blueberries.
    So if you can, try again and take a lot of cuttings. Smaller containers with a humidity dome of some kind will probably help.

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