
My experiment with a Johnson-Su inspired bioreactor. Using crumpled up newspaper instead of landscape fabric held in place with poultry fencing. My take on Diego Footer’s triple ring. Anybody think this will be successful? I am not super confident.

My experiment with a Johnson-Su inspired bioreactor. Using crumpled up newspaper instead of landscape fabric held in place with poultry fencing. My take on Diego Footer’s triple ring. Anybody think this will be successful? I am not super confident.

by Dorky_Mom


  1. earthhominid

    Update us on how it goes. The first concern I think of would be how well the newspaper will last and how well it will actually limit moisture loss

  2. xmashatstand

    I think if you use something like a broom handle to somewhat ‘tamp-down’ the newspaper, it could have the effect you’re going for. I just did a whole thing lining my bin with cardboard. It works well enough, but like you said, it starts to break down. 

    Hmmmm, now I’m pondering different ways to go about the middle channel in mine when I re-toss it, maybe a pool noodle 🤔

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