Gardening Austin

For those who have grown bananas, how long did it take the fruit to mature? My container Dwarf Cavendish bloomed in mid-July, and I hope to be able to harvest the bananas before temperatures dip below 55F. Is this likely to happen?

For those who have grown bananas, how long did it take the fruit to mature? My container Dwarf Cavendish bloomed in mid-July, and I hope to be able to harvest the bananas before temperatures dip below 55F. Is this likely to happen?

by amiller59


  1. starcticlights

    That looks amazing. My dwarf cavendish also in a container doesn’t look like it’s blooming any time soon. What do you fertilize with?

  2. dbzfanjake

    Whaaaaaat. You can actually grow bananas here? Do you bring it inside during the winter?

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