Plant Clinic

Over or underwatered?

Usually my prayer plant is pretty perky and has been growing super well. Do y’all know if it’s thirsty or overwatered when it looks like this?

The soil was so moist the last two weeks that I used a chopstick to turn the soil and get more air into it so the roots didn’t rot. I usually water when it feels dry. The bottoom of the pot has a hole and our San Francisco apartment has medium-high humidity. It gets bright, indirect light all day.

Thank you!!!

by TalkAdmirable5353


  1. TurnoverUseful1000

    This is what my maranta (I have the same one) looks like when she’s getting thirsty. I’d say it needs a thorough watering so that the water flows out of the bottom and drips dry. If you’d like, as long as the soil isn’t wet, you can check the root ball for any possible rot starting.

  2. SulkySideUp

    I’d take a look at the roots, this is a sign of under-watering usually but if the soil’s been soggy I suspect you may not have completely avoided root rot.

    They also don’t like being cold, and the combo of too much water and low temp/high humidity may be contributing to the stress as it slows evaporation

  3. Since you don’t use AC, how much warmer has it been vs typical temps in the room?

    What is your typical watering “schedule” for this season and how do you water your plant?

    Have you ever repotted it after purchase? How long have you had it?

    Your general location?

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