

Hey guys! A new begonia arrived from the mail today and it's a bit wilted, i know it'll recover but that's not the point, how do i make the plant keep producing more vibrant, colorful leaves? Is it more lighting? Or more shade?

And how do i grow it so the newer leaves that emerge, keep the curling, swirling pattern in the middle?

Also, are the coloring on the leaves (the reds, silvers) variegation or just the result of selectively breeding plants with more vibrant coloring?

I would really appreciate some answers, thanks for reading!!

by Big-Signature-8813


  1. Big-Signature-8813

    The begonia is “raspberry torte” by the way if anyone’s interested in knowing the variety ☺️

  2. IvoryOwl1

    Begonias coloring tends to change depending on the season, and can be brighter or duller at different points in the year. New leaves are always more vibrant than old ones. Making sure they have enough light is important for leaf shape and keeping them from getting leggy. Every begonia is different so some trial and error is typical (I have some rexes that need minimal care and some in the same conditions that I have to baby). The color variations are from hybridization and should be stable for your plant

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