Lawn Care

Thanks, SpeedZone!

I didn’t like that grass anyway.

Is that coming back or am I reseeding?

by goldspider79


  1. Past-Direction9145

    theres a couple of speedzones, sorry the name itself doesn’t do any good. multiple herbicides by that name

    what are you trying to kill? what are you trying not to kill? thats what matters most. as well as your temps seen before it has a chance to dry.

  2. daddydunc

    Applying while it’s hot is your fault, not the herbicide’s.

  3. I’m sorry man, but this just struck me as hilarious!

  4. goldspider79

    In related news, this stuff absolutely melts crabgrass!

  5. Might as well rub some of that plantain on the grass burn, I hear it can help with burns 😀

  6. TheOtherPete

    On the plus side, now you safely hit those weeds with glyphosate since the grass around them is already dead.

  7. rather_be_redditing

    If it’s just that small area, I would have pulled the weeds. I always err on the side of pulling weeds instead of using chemicals.

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