
Is she dead?

In the past 4-5 days it had started sinking into the pot. It had been looking healthy before that, but I had been watering very scarcely as I’ve overwatered these in the past. And I’ve read that they shouldn’t really be watered in the spring/summer.

When it started sinking, I gave it a little drink thinking that was the issue. 2 days later, it’s shriveling into nothing, no apparent growth coming through the middle.

Really hoping I don’t go 3/3 on killing these lil guys

by Beneficial_Alfalfa78


  1. palpatineforever

    looks it, did it out and see if it is squish all the way through?

  2. N_M_Verville

    Pretty sure it’s dead. I would suspect the soil it’s in is a major contributing factor. Don’t be too hard on yourself – it’s a steep learning curve.

  3. Elegant_Middle585

    Yep, looks dead to me. I know because I killed more than one lithops myself. “Little drink” probably worsened its condition 😅

    You should have changed the substrate to succulent soil. 

  4. CookedEarthStudio

    Should be planted in mostly pumice you’ll have better luck. Only water when it’s wrinkling up. If it’s plump and firm just leave it alone.
    They’re tricky plants. Really gotta study/practice with them to grow successfully. Keep at it 👍🏼

  5. singleserve2020

    100% dead. Your soil retains too much moisture. You need a very well draining soil. These little guys don’t need a lot of water. I recently watered mine for the first time in 6 or 7 months. 

    Water is definitely your issue. You’re giving it too much and not potting it in the correct dirt.

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