
What would you do with this Dwarf Jade?

What would you do with this Dwarf Jade?

by Sumaes


  1. I got this monster dwarf jade a little over a year ago. It was growing in the ground so it needed some basic pruning, but other than that I’ve largely just let it stabilize and grow in the pot it’s in (a 1gal container).

    It’s finally vigorous enough for a repot this spring, so I’m looking for thoughts on what to do with it. Semi-cascade? Plant it low and go for a raft style? Change the angle to be more upright? What would you do?

    Also, not sure why the first picture in the gallery is blurry, but here it is again:

  2. rellaaaaa

    I think it looks fantastic in the first pic, I would personally keep developing it as a semi cascade

  3. Affectionate-Mud9321

    If you cut off the right trunk, you can definitely go for a full cascade or a raft style. I would go for a cascade first and turn it into a raft after 2-3 years.

    Edit: Don’t cut the right trunk. Cut the upright one.

  4. Slovakian__Stallion

    It could also be a nice twin trunk when planted at a different angle and styled up a bit

  5. his_zekeness

    Just clean it up the way it looks in the first pick. Great looking tree!

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