String of Plants

What is on my SOP??!

What is this and how screwed am I? 😭

by darth_sydious


  1. olivarius56

    As the other commenter said I’m suspecting aphids, I’d snag a clipping and clean it really well incase you can’t manage to save the rest of the plant, check your other plants for bugs. I can’t say much on HOW to rid of them, but this subreddit has tons of information. I’ve only dealt with it once and I was struggling sm I ended up just throwing it away.

  2. Dancing_Tiel

    Could be aphids, spider mites, or mealy bugs. Use rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip to rub them off, and then you can follow up with some neem oil if you’d like. Same thing happened to my string of pearls, for some reason they’re very pest-prone. If you catch it early you’ll probably be able to save it, good luck!

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