What's this plant

Wtf is this!? Almost all my corn is like this. Are they wasp galls?

Wtf is this!? Almost all my corn is like this. Are they wasp galls?

by BooFuckBoogityBoo


  1. Quillwright

    Congratulations, you have huitlacoche. Corn smut fungus. It’s a delicacy in Mexico.

  2. BrownBoognish

    yea youre sitting on a goldmine congraps

  3. Lucky-Refrigerator-4

    I’d call this plant a windfall.

  4. Careless_HartBrake69

    apparently this is gold you’re farming lol. handle it carefully and sell it.

  5. moeru_gumi

    Other comment on another thread said this stuff sells for $25 a pound. It’s extremely desirable, expensive, delicate, and insanely good in a quesadilla. I’ve never had it. :c treat it like it’s the most precious morel mushroom!

  6. chemengineer2

    I ate some huitlacoche tacos this weekend for the first time. Absolutely delicious. Recommend to anyone who can find them.

  7. Internal-Pollution61

    Like growing literal gold corn. So delicious and desired

  8. Zealousideal_Gas9531

    Is there a way to deliberately cause this? I want to try it, see how it tastes

  9. CLARABELLA_2425

    Click bait. If they are grow corn, They all know what that is

  10. Livin_In_A_Dream_

    This is the second time I’ve seen this today!
    It’s some Mexican delicacy and apparently delicious! You can eat it!!?

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