Fiddle Leaf Fig

We want to be good FLF parents

Our friends moved away and gave me us their beautiful fiddle-leaf fig. We are plant lovers and have many other plants, but we are nervous we will harm our friends’ plant. We have been doing a lot of research about FLFs and believe we have her in a good spot in our home.

We place the plant in the corner of a sunroom that faces south so the windows are to the SE and SW. It gets a few hours of direct sunlight in the morning. It has indirect bright light the rest of the day. Even though this is in a sunroom, there are very mature trees outside the window which filter the light for most of the day. Is this spot OK for her?

My second question is what are the shoots coming off the trunk near the soil. Should I break these off?

Thirdly, my friend never fertilized this plant and watered it daily with the extra water in her kids cups after mealtime. Everything I’m reading says the FLF needs fertilizer (3-1-2) and to water only when dry by letting the water flow out of the bottom. Is it ok to start fertilizing this plant and to just water it when it’s dry? We are monitoring the wetness with a soil moisture meter.

Thank you for any help you can give!

by tommyboy8765

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