
Can anyone please explain to me what’s happening?

So my grandma planted some onions. Most of the plants are normal but this one? It has onions growing out of the TOP of the plant! What in the hell is going on? All from the same seed package.

by godparticle14


  1. BooleansearchXORdie

    They are bulbils. They are basically new plants that you can separate and plant in the ground to grow more onions.

  2. DanoPinyon

    Appeears as if these onions were stressed, went to flower, and produced bulbils from those flowers.

  3. godparticle14

    Ah ok. Never seen this before. Thanks for the info!

  4. Informal-Doubt2267

    It looks like an Egyptian walking onion. They are a topsetting variety.

  5. hypatiaredux

    Walking onion is walking to neighboring box!

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