
My very first dahlia

Started these from seed back on April 9th. I posted six/seven weeks ago, worried that my little seedlings were too leggy. Well, now the plants have taken off and are thriving! These are Floret Farm’s Bees Choice.

I do have some stems that have multiple buds on each. Should I trim some of the buds off to delegate energy to just one bud?

by brennelle


  1. squeet1979

    This gives me hope! This is the first year I’ve planted dahlia tubers! I have huge bushy plants but no flowers yet! I’m “patiently” waiting!

  2. Chevrefoil

    This one is really nice. I love the coloring and the form – really great results. As far as disbudding, maybe try it on some stems and leave others as they are so you can see the difference. My rule is if they’re for cutting, I do all that, but if they’re for the garden I let them be.

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