African Violets

Plant emergency!

Hey all, new to the sub, searched y'all up because I came home from my 2wk vacation to find my violet in what I can only assume are the final stages of death. I watered him before I left and I thought my roommates would have kept up my watering schedule. But also, I've had him sit through longer droughts than this without big problems so I'm not sure what's happening! Is this salvageable? Or is it simply the end for my boy?

– lost a LOT of leaves while I was gone, I don't have a 'before' picture unfortunately
– everything feels wilty. Watered 100mL from the bottom last night with no change in condition

by nonpienary

1 Comment

  1. RotoruaFun

    Looks like crown rot to me OP, it’s been soggy whilst you were gone. As an insurance policy, cut off your best leaves with some stem and pop into a vase or shot glass to propagate. The rot will move quickly, so I would do this straight away. Make sure the stems you cut are healthy and well away from the brown rot.

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