Plant Propagation

Help! My basil is not growing leaves

I got some Thai holy basil (Kaprao) from my local restaurant about 4 weeks ago. The last pic is after a week in water. After two weeks in water, it grew some roots (fourth pic). This is when I put it in hydroton with hydroponic nutrients. Two weeks later, it grew strong roots (third pic), but all tiny new leaves turned black quickly. I watered down the nutrients a bit to make sure it's not that.
You can see that it grew a new stem in the second pic, but the leaves just died.

What do I do? I put it on a southwest window sill with a lot of direct sun from noon to evening. Is this too much direct sun?
Note that the white stuff on the old leaves is just limescale. I have very hard water here, and the short stem and leaves wicked up the water when it grew roots in the beginning.

by 3rik-f

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