
Update on the Turtle Boris family! I found their hidey hole and I’m resorting to bribery

I came out to who I believe is Baby Boris (from the spine down his back as this sub was so kind to educate me!) and decided to wait till young master was away to see if I couldn’t sus out his hidey hole/burrow. Well.. I did haha.

Pic 1 is baby Boris I believe

Pic 2 is where I found either baby Boris or daddy Boris hanging out

Pic 3 shows all the worn down areas near my compost, I thought I had a full day ahead looking for the turtles so I didn’t accidentally step on anyone or spear them with a bedding fork

Pic 4 shows where I found one of them chillin haha. Dunno if they live there, but he’s in the bulk of my pile, so I’ve lost my pile for at least the summer??

Pic 5 shows evidence of my bribery. Honestly is part bribery and partly the fact that my state is under a state of emergency as we’re in drought conditions. Anyways, I’m not sure what they eat but as I know they like tomatoes I make sure to leave some. A small dish of water, some marigolds, a butterfly bush bloom, and a zucchini that sat on the vine too long and is too big/too damaged.

Pics 6 & 7 show part of the reason WHY I feel the need for bribery! I’ve got 3 watermelon plants and 3 watermelons. 2 have grown outside their enclosure and the 3 isn’t hard for an animal to get to. Not only is it sweet and tasty it has all the water they could want. So by leaving nutritious veggies that have a high water content I will hopefully encourage the turtles to eat and drink there, or wherever else there cruising, and not my watermelons.

If they’re anything like bunnies they’ll chop an entire plant down just to reach one of the fruits!

by FerretSupremacist

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