
Planted horseweed in my yard

I live in the mid west USA. I went to a garden center and I told one of the workers I am looking for native plants and flowers to plant in my yard. She recommended many plants and one of them is horseweed, which I planted and it is now huge after a couple months. What I am wondering is, is this going to problematically spread across my lawn and the rest of my garden? Also does it have any benefits for wildlife like pollinators, birds, etc? Since I learned what it is I have been noticing it a lot in my yard and others.

by yhsbdisudne


  1. GayleGribble

    It’s native…but typically considered a weed, not an ornamental. I can’t believe someone would sell you that, you might as well have purchased a dandelion. There is a native plant gardening sub I recommend checking out.

  2. how much did you pay for that?? Honestly insane they would sell you that, yes it’s native but extremely weedy. if you want to keep it there, cut off the seed heads before they spread. If they really told you to plant that at a native nursery that’s horrible advice there are many natives that would look and live amazing there, replace with Goldenrod for a similar size/shape and for nice flowers with pollinator benefit

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