
Is this Arbor completely dead? Should I just give up on it?

I’m wondering if I’m wasting my time watering this trying to bring it back. Sprinklers went offline while I was away for 3 weeks of extreme heat sadly

by TheMonsterUnderUrBed


  1. god-shapedhole

    I had one like that last year, but not quite as much green. I watered the hell out of it but it did not come back. Also, that thing will look horrible if it even recovers and will take years to do so. it would be better just to drop a new one in there, they are cheap and grow like weeds.

  2. furry_tail_lover

    status of green branches will tell you more, flexible or stiff and snappy. if you have the time I’d cut just above the green to see what main is like. if still drawing water this will respond to the cutting with more up shoots and fill back in nicely.

  3. Yeah_right_sezu

    Anything is worth trying to save, how about watering it and mixing up some Miracle gro and tank spray the leaves? I put in a beer, just a dash of ammonia in the tank and bingo, Bob’s your uncle.

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