
What are these berries?

We have these berries growing in one of our horses pastures alongside a big vine of honeysuckle, are they blackberries? They look super good, wanted to know if they were edible!

by SeveralTry3967


  1. lunulariamoonlight

    Some questions.

    1. Where are you located? There are many different species in eastern North America vs western North America.
    2. Do you have a better photo of the leaves of the plant?

    My first thought was if you’re in the Pacific Northwest and as that it is either Himalayan blackberry or Trailing Blackberry.

    The leaves look quite different. I think this is Himalayan Blackberry, but it’s hard to tell from the photo. Here’s a photo of what I’m talking about.

    [photo of leaves in Himalayan Blackberry versus Trailing Blackberry.](×1024.jpg)

    There’s also Black-Capped Raspberry out here in the PNW. But the fruit itself doesn’t look right for that.

  2. bearkerchiefton

    You can tell the difference between Blackberrys & Black Raspberrys by the way the berry comes off the stem. Blackberries keep a piece of the stem as a core. Black Raspberries break off completely from the stem.

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