
First timer. How does she look?

First time growing anything in a dwc. Ive got a basic 4 pot vivosun drip system with air stones. Removed my drip ring and replaced with air stones.

I've got this Garlic Budder from Humboldt Seed Co. 1 bell pepper plant who was doing fine outside but is having some leaf issues since transplanting,and a sticky beast Autoflower I'm trying to mainline experiment on.

This Garlic budder is the prize though so she's getting a princess treatment.

Curreny sitting under 2 200w led lights with a ppfd around 450. Feeding lotus nutrients according to the chart and ec is sitting right around 2.1, with ph fluctuating between 5.8 (when I add ph down) and it slowly raises to about 6.3 over 24 hours.

Water temps are a bit high right now (78)with lights being so close to the buckets and the summer heatwave wreaking havoc on my ac. Temps in the tent are sitting between 76 and 81 during the day (depending on lung room). Night temps go down towards 68/69.

How's she look to y'all. She was stunted due to a root rot issue on her taproot but we have resolved that with some sterilization.

Planted from seed into hydroton on 7/10
Cotyledon on 7/13
First trues (which burned off during sterilization) 7/14

by GaryElBerry

1 Comment

  1. User_723586

    From what I read, the EC should be more towards 1.4 at this early vegetative stage. Ph sounds fine.

    I think I see signs of nutrient burn or yellowing on the leaves.

    I’m no expert but I learned through mistakes and still learning.

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