Carnivorous Plants

Black Lava Rock Topping

Black Lava Rock Topping

by Agreeable_Store_3896

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  1. Agreeable_Store_3896

    I might catch some flack for this, as you don’t really see very much topping of any kind past moss on this subreddit but.. I had a bit of a fight with fungal gnats that had me experimenting with using sand as a topper to discourage future issues, and it did work, ontop of that it actually looked kinda nice.. HOWEVER, getting appropriate sand in Canada can be a nightmare and I had to settle for #20 pool filter white sand, and although it looked good at first, it quickly became a gross shade of brown and would kind of just crust over, my typical VFT didn’t seem to mind it at all and new growth pushed through constantly but I hated how it looked.

    Thus, i’ve decided to try Black Lava Rock as a topper, I know some people grow pings on the stuff, and others have used it in their substrate but I don’t think i’ve seen a post on here with it as a topper.

    I made sure to rinse it good until all the powder was gone and the water ran clean at under 5ppm and slapped some on and.. you know I think it looks pretty darn neat. Now I have to wait to make sure that new growth can still make room.

    Has anyone else tried of thought of this before?

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