
Refilled with more solution and all my plants have been sad since (3 days) Any ideas?

Refilled with more solution and all my plants have been sad since (3 days) Any ideas?

by dimsimdestroyer


  1. dimsimdestroyer

    Buckets were almost empty so I topped them all up with more nutrient solution @

    * 6ph and 1 ec 500 ppm (half strength to what the chart said)
    * Lights at 400 umol/s.
    * Added bennys (0.5ml/L)
    * DWC
    * Athena blended line
    * 20C/68F in the room
    * water probably 17-18C or 62F
    * RH between 60-70%
    * 3~ weeks between changing the water

    Ever since the plants have just looked sad, any idea whats going on? Is this just what happens when you swap out solution? because this happened last grow and the plants all bounced back around a week later each time

  2. User_723586

    EC at 1.0 seems low for that stage. Maybe should be towards 1.4-1.8.

    But I’m thinking the plants look shocked. Maybe going from starvation to being fed takes some time. I can’t tell what’s wrong to be honest but I just guess shock.

  3. Some-Trainer-8484

    are the clay pebbles wet/soaked enough?

    they dry out enormously fast and once they do they suck the water straight out of your plant.

  4. allbotwtf

    for me it looks like plants in earth look when you give them too much water, so id guess they dont have enough root space without water.

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