
I got really into pothos plants a few weeks ago, I love them so much. Going out to buy some more varieties today, I want them everywhere.

I got really into pothos plants a few weeks ago, I love them so much. Going out to buy some more varieties today, I want them everywhere.

by PoutineMangeur


  1. ScienceMomCO

    You will find the more rare ones on Etsy. Be careful, it’s addictive.

  2. LikeATediousArgument

    They are the most beautiful and fun plant to own!

    Manjula is my favorite but marble queen is just so varied and amazing, it’s close.

    I took a large manjula propagation to a plant swap recently and the girl the I traded with, her eyes were so huge! She says, “it’s so beautiful,” because they are!

    Wait until you start PROPAGATING 🌱

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