Plant Clinic

Erm… my prayer plant has grown mushrooms. What now?

I’ve had the plant for about 6 months, it is my pride and joy considering I’ve never had any luck with these guys until now.

Bright, indirect sun light, and very consistent watering (which I suspect may be the problem?)

This guy REALLY likes moisture, and hates when the soil completely dries. I water it 2-3x a week depending on heat, sun, etc.

Do I need to re-pot? Are the mushrooms good? Bad? Where the hell did they come from?

by rubabyy


  1. BeerMetMij

    Don’t worry about it. It just means there were mushroom spores in your soil (which is quite natural and happens more often than you think). With some other plants it could be a sign of overwatering but as you mentioned: this plant love a nice wet soil. You could leave the mushrooms in the soil or take them out, no harm in keeping them in though.

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