
How to better support net pots? I overestimated the holding power of 2 inch net pots in a large container. Any ideas for a temporary fix? Thanks!

How to better support net pots? I overestimated the holding power of 2 inch net pots in a large container. Any ideas for a temporary fix? Thanks!

by Responsible-Dress929


  1. SleepyEngineer314

    IDK why people just down vote instead of offering advice on this sub. It grinds my gears.

    Anyways, at this point the stems are sagging/bent so, even if the base of the net pot area was resolved the plants would topple over.

    You need to string the plants up for support somehow. Most people do this with a cheap rectangular box frame made of pvc. Personally, just some string/rope coming off a garden stake in each corner would be sufficient.

    Alternatively, if you really don’t give a fuck then you could just leave them lol. The net pods haven’t popped out and the plants will eventually correct themselves and grow upwards. They’ll just be shaped like a “L”. This is assuming for only like 20-25% more growth before the netpods pop out. Eeeeven then you could just super glue the rim of the net pods to the lid of the container if you want to be extra lazy.

  2. championstuffz

    Run 2 screws through the pot into the lid. Then plant ties into binder clips on the lid.

  3. msheridan50

    I duct tape mine down around the edges of the net pot…holds very well.

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