San Pedro Cactus

Help Saving? Or recommendations?

Help Saving? Or recommendations?

by ElegantEffort7759


  1. sir_pacha-lot

    Sulpher. If you don’t have sulpher, cut the damage flat. Don’t leave any 90° turns, crevices or gouges. As they will increase likelyhood of infection.

  2. SnooOpinions8755

    I can see that your dog likes to party. I too, like to party.

  3. Landmines93

    Just let the dog have it and take the loss lol😂


    “I used too do drugs, I still do but I used to too”-Dog

  5. Forsaken_Tension2862

    Buy cactus with bigger spines. That one looks like you saved it in time though, just callous and plant.

  6. pharmakeion

    I don’t think there’s any saving the dog. For a recommendation, maybe don’t feed him cactus next time?

  7. One-Salamander565

    My friends dog got into our shrooms one night. That dog had the craziest night out of the three of us lol

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