
I might have a bit of a plant obsession. My husband certainly thinks so.

I might have a bit of a plant obsession. My husband certainly thinks so.

by Optimal-Recording-31


  1. Consistent-Goat1267

    I love this room! I could just imagine myself with a nice book and some tea

  2. spilledrealm

    Phenomenal. Makes the whole room feel alive.

  3. LifeReality9660

    This would be my happy place. Love it🥰

  4. Potential_Flow9032

    Love this. My husband keeps asking me to make our house look like this. I’m trying!!! But I’m no where near close.

  5. kyskyskyskysk

    Imagine not being allowed to open the window

  6. Automatic-Prompt-450

    Obsession or not, that room is comfy. I’d never be able to have that, my cats would eat all of them.

  7. Formal_Position_5902

    Love the plants, especially the ones vining on your ceiling!! <3

  8. Necessary_Variety_65

    I can only hope to stay in a place long enough to do this 🥰🖤 (never in a place longer than a year cuz of rising rent prices 🥲)

  9. alienabduction1473

    For some reason, I was scanning the photo for your husband like he was going to be buried behind the plants somewhere.

  10. Sufficient_Turn_9209

    Maybe, but they are all so healthy and lush, and so tastefully displayed!

  11. Kaleshark

    What is the plant you’ve got along the ceiling? I’m generally the houseplant reluctant spouse in my home but this lovely room has me wondering if we need a lot more.

  12. Embarrassed_Gain_792

    I’m getting there myself. Mostly orchids.

  13. Ok-Background706

    This is a dream! How long have you had those pothos that are on the ceiling? I have had mine for 2 years and it is no where near being able to go across my ceiling!

  14. How do you have them from the ceiling? I have a large philodendron that I have about a couple of 15ft vines.

    The main Plant is on a shelf above my fish tank and I let it put roots in the tank…. the it exploded with growth.

  15. ReddeemRealm

    Wow!! You’re very lucky to have such a nice husband! My partner thinks I’m crazy for spending so much on plants and he’s convinced they are going to die.

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