
what do you do with fruits and vegetables when they’re just starting to make food and not enough?

what do you do with fruits and vegetables when they’re just starting to make food and not enough?

by Majestic-Hippo-146


  1. Sellofsnek

    “When they just start to make food and not enough”
    Yes 🙂

  2. CystemOfADown

    This is me right now! I just sautéed a mini eggplant and three green beans. 😑
    So my answer is: Be proud of your first tiny hauls and make yourself decadent snacks of them, because the next harvest is never guaranteed!
    Fingers crossed for both of us lol

  3. FishRFriendsMemphis

    If it’s not a lot, I just eat em as I wander around the garden. I enjoy eating them raw right off the plant. Shishitos and other not so hot peppers, tomatoes, various berries.

  4. lemony_dewdrops

    Peppers keep, I just leave them in a wicker basket until more join them. I also chop up extra and freeze them. I eat things like beans and berries raw unless I’ll have enough in a day or two to make a serving, then I keep them in the basket or fridge. Tomatoes, squashes, etc. are typically big enough to cook with just one. I’ll toss deformed or damaged early produce in the compost.

  5. Rachelattack

    Pickle it. I always have a jar of pickles or pickled odds and ends in the go.

  6. Brilliant_Contest273

    This is the cutest, saddest photo essay ever!

  7. ObsessiveAboutCats

    Spare tomatoes are gifted to my mother who likes to eat them fresh (I do not). Anything else gets chucked into something where it will mix in with the other veggies.

  8. I grow Shishito peppers, and they are all about that size. I cut them up into my eggs every morning

  9. prognostalgia

    For our young red currant bush, I just collect the berries and stick them in the freezer. Then the next year, I collect more. Eventually, I’ll get around to making jelly.

  10. Snushine

    Oh, you mean that stage where they don’t last long enough to get to the house b/c who the hell needs 3 blueberries?

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