Gardening Australia

A lot of lemons!

I recently bought a house with an overgrown garden, found this cleaning! What should I do with this many lemons? Should I just bury them in the ground? I can’t use all of them, we are just two people😭🤡 help?

by Visible-Pin-154


  1. jakoma488

    Put a box on your front fence with a sign and they will be gone within a few days! I love sharing my produce with my neighbours!

  2. OkBookkeeper6854

    Life has given you lemons… now what?

  3. borderline_chaos

    Lemon Tea or water everyday, put a box with “free” out your front, post in your local buy sell groups or buy nothing groups, donate to local food banks or charities, make all the desserts, works wonders mixed with salt to scrub rust stains off most surfaces, mix with vinegar and spray around the perimeter of your property if there are stray cats in your neighbourhood, and most importantly, love your lemon tree. Just a few ideas!

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