
Do I need to chop?

My evergreen elm has been thriving ever since it was planted, but we had 2 wicked dust storms that pulled off one of the branches, and now has cracked the base (middle?) almost all the way through. I know I should probably cut it, but is there any saving it? 😭 I’m so sad because like half of the tree will be gone now!

by corgiluv420


  1. Lopezabeast

    Oh my! Okay then if the broken part only has a few fibers holding it together then it’s a safe bet to cut that section off and cut it lower to the next branch under so you can keep the tree, when reducing the height of the tree, relatively find a branch that’s about 1/3 the size of the trunk so it can assume apical dominance! In other words, that’ll make the tree grow upwards and hopefully the tree grows strong enough in the future to it doesn’t get this damaged with those storms.

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