
I did it, I grew a watermelon!

I did it, I grew a watermelon!

by thebourgeois


  1. snotbottom

    OMG. That is awesome!

    No really, I’m actually jealous. It has a seed and everything!

  2. ChrisInBliss

    This is going to be me in a week or so. Mine is exactly the same size 🤣

  3. thedorknite000

    Welp, you won’t be needing a melon baller!

  4. LudwigTheGrape

    Woohooo! She’s small but beautiful 🍉

  5. Pinchaser71

    Shrinkflation is getting out of hand 🤣

  6. GraybieTheBlueGirl

    I just cackled out loud, it’s sooo cute!!!! Go you!

  7. DodgyQuilter

    It reproduced – there’s a seed. It succeeded. You, OP, grew a successful watermelon. Congratulations!

    (Not sarcasm; I’ve not got results this good yet.)

  8. GirlyWhirl

    Cut it into proper little watermelon triangles to share.

  9. LudovicoSpecs

    If they sold these like cherry tomatoes, I’d give it a go!

  10. CinB0485

    You did better than me! I have a watermelon plant. It looks nice. Never got any female flowers on it

  11. GrowingGoodGreens

    Bless your heart! Your watermelon growing skills are bad as my own. If I can ever get them to grow to any real size … a rare occurrence, I ALWAYS pull them too early! LOL But it can never be said I didn’t give it one helluva good try! For YEARS I tried and, for the most part, failed. LOL There’s always next year…

  12. APoorBillionaire

    Now, do you have a banana for scale?

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