Gardening Australia


I recently bought a house with an overgrown garden and apparently it has a lemon tree and it’s a lot of lemons, give recommendations on what to do with this much lemon!!

by Visible-Pin-154


  1. Articulated_Lorry

    Lemon slice, lemon cordial, lemon cakes, lemon syrup pudding, limoncello, lemon biscuits (particularly the italian style almond ones), lemon and poppyseed or lemon and blueberry muffins.

    Give away (if you don’t live anywhere with restrictions on moving fruit due to pests or diseases): the local Buy Nothing group, a Grow Free cart/free kitchens, a food bank, contact a fruit share group, give them to neighbours and workmates, ask other families at child care/school if they want some (assuming you’ve got kids), tie a bucket to your front fence and stick a sign on saying ‘free lemons, take what you need’

  2. bluemeeaanie

    Nice bush. Eat them raw, it’s the best way

  3. WickedSister

    Take what you want, give some to friends and family and leave the rest in a box out the front with “please take some” written on it.

  4. Vakua_Lupo

    You’re really lucky to have such a healthy tree, mine gave me one lemon this year ( but it’s only 2 years old). One lemon juice with water everyday is good for your health, but use a straw as it’s bad for your teeth! What you can’t use, give away to family and friends, they will appreciate it ($9 a kilo at Woolies).

  5. 249592-82

    Give some to your neighbours. They will appreciate it, and it means they in turn will be willing to help you. Also to teachers at school (if you have kids). Lemons are great, and yours look super juicy and delicious.

  6. Darkknight145

    Slice, freeze individually, bag ’em in zip lock bag, use in drinks when you haven’t got lemons. I have two slices with soda water and ice. pleasant refreshing drink, the peel on the slices gives the drink a slight bitter taste which I really love.

  7. professorkek

    Actual lemon tree owner here. Unless you like baking, or know someone who does, they’re the worse trees to have. I’ve tried everything, it all sucks. It’s heaps of effort to turn it in to anything, and you just end up hating the taste of lemon in everything you drink. Don’t fall for the “you can use it as an all purpose cleaner” meme, it just makes stuff sticky. You can go to pain staking efforts to preserve them, but you will never end up using them. I just end up composting hundreds of lemons every year, which just causes me problems with managing the pH of my compost.

  8. Fragrant-Treacle7877

    Creamy lemon Chicken.

    But also, put them in a bucket and leave them out the front.
    For every lemon tree person cursing their over supply of lemons is someone like me, desperate to find a friend to give me their surplus lemons.

  9. writingisfreedom

    Looks more like a lemonade tree then a traditional lemon…I have one.

    Use a juicier and ice cubes to freeze lemons

    Add some lemon to fizzy lemonade it’s nice

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