
What’s the scar on all these pine trees?

My local park opened a year ago and planted nearly 30 pine trees all around. As I walk around, I noticed that all the pine trees have a scar midway around the trunk. At least 2 trees have broken at the scar during Hur’cane Beryl. What is it?

It seems to me these trees were attached to something when they were saplings and the late removal left the scar.

I also wonder if this was done intentional in order to strengthen it? I’m no arborist or landscaper so my imagination can be wild.

Is there anything the city arborists should do to help these trees?

Part of me thinks this was city parks and rec tree health negligence, removing the scarring device too late, but what do I know?

Finally, is this what a failed Bris looks like?

by Warm_Hotel_3025

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