Plant Clinic

I left for 10 days and came back to this.. She was doing great before I left. Any way I can save the yellowing leave in the front?

Apparently it was really hot while I wasn't around, I watered her when I came back. She's by an east facing window, on the floor so not much light which seems to be fine for her.

by cf-myolife


  1. tweetybird200

    Just pull off the 3 dropped yellow leaves from the stalk and it will be fine. The other leaves are healthy so you have no worries. When plants are in distress due to lack of water the bottom leaves will be first to go. Those leaves will not come back due to their current state. The goodness is that the rest of the plant is healthy.

  2. She looks perfectly fine. It’s totally normal for Dieffenbachia to lose their bottom leaves when growing new leaves. I usually let the leaves dry out until they can be pulled off when tugged gently, that way you know that the plant is prepared to lose that leaf and will not be affected negatively when loosing the leaf

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